How Did You Celebrate?

Following are a couple of videos that I found inspiring in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus!

First, “Dance Your Shoes Off”:

[tentblogger-youtube 8KX2-J6uS-o]


Second, “Resurrection Sunday Dance”:

[tentblogger-youtube i5dSIL358NM]


I love the energy brought by so many people coming together in the name of Jesus!  It makes me wonder what kind of a difference it would make if our communities saw this sort of excitement coming from us?

Question:  What excited you or what is one thing that meant a lot to you during this Easter weekend?  You can leave a comment by clicking here.

I’ll go first…

I was totally blown away this weekend by seeing people of all ages realize a desire to have Jesus as the center of their lives and then choose to declare it publicly, on the spot, by being baptized – Easter clothes and all! Many people drenched. Many people with lives changed because of Jesus!

15 thoughts on “How Did You Celebrate?

  1. I enjoyed spending the weekend with my family and being able to go to church together and celebrate that we serve a RISEN savior.
    The praise and worship at our service was top notch too!

    1. Going to church together as a family makes things seem a bit more special to me. My family is spread out between states and churches and it has been a few years since we have been together for an Easter weekend. Brings back memories!

  2. The most meaningful service for me was on Good Friday. Fifteen churches in our community united to offer a special worship experience. Afterward I spoke to one of the pastors about this historic moment in our town. He said that it all began when two pastors, one very conservative and the other quite liberal, focused on their common ground. They began to pray together and others have since joined. Praise the Lord!–Tom

    1. That is awesome!! I think these kinds of partnerships will be essential for the church in the days to come – many congregations; yet, one church, one hope, one faith. Several churches in my area will be doing something similar for the National Day of Prayer.

    1. That is really cool. We did not have extended family around this year; but, we did enjoy relaxing and playing games with our kids. And, between Good Friday services and Easter services, there were many prompt for great spiritual conversations with our kids!

  3. That’s good! I celebrated Easter by worshipping God at church and then watching the amazing Easter production my church put on. Let me say……….AMAZING!

    1. I truly appreciate churches that put on big productions and do it well. There is a church in my area that puts on a Broadway-caliber show each year called The Thorn – it is such a big deal, and done so well, that it draws crowds from beyond the church’s walls of believers and non-believers. A great way to spread the message of Jesus!

      1. Yeah, the one that we had this year was called “Eyes of Faith”. It was really good! It took several months for everything to come together on it. There was a huge orchestra playing all the music and everything!

    1. I wondered if that might have been the case. I haven’t been hacked yet – at least that I am aware of…

      I saw your add contest when flipping through Google Reader a bit earlier – I’ll check it out soon!

      1. Yeah. Well, the wordpress was not hacked (I have a very good password), but someone got ahold of my email. That is how the comment got posted as me…because they got my site and email. I changed everything though.

        Awesome! You might have another great shot at winning!

  4. I love the “Dance Your Shoes Off” clip. They were all so excited about Jesus!

    I really enjoyed this Easter Sunday. For once I didn’t celebrate with family but I did have the privilege of sharing the Easter Sunday message at church. Taking the time to study Easter Sunday as preparation was an amazing time as I reflected on all that Jesus gave us on that day. Two things really stuck out to me:

    1) It was ALWAYS the Plan for Jesus to rise again.
    2) Jesus came back to life – because He COULD! No one else can lay down their life and take it back up again, but Jesus could and He did! How awesome is He!!!

    1. I would love to have seen “Dance Your Shoes Off” in person – the video was great; but, I bet being there would have been an unforgettable experience.

      ALWAYS and COULD – Great points!

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