Jesus, like no other, set aside his power and authority to face trials, hard-ships, abuse and torture so that we may have more in this life and the one to come.
To Be or Not To Be … Intentional
You are at a fork in the road. Experiences have not met expectations. But, so far you have left things to chance. Will you, or will you not, be intentional?
A Kiss Makes Everything Better
What really amazes me is what it takes to make a child feel better. A simple kiss turns the frown and tears into a smile and a readiness to go again.
The #1 Way To Change Your Day
The amazing thing? When we pray for others and encourage others, it not only changes their life, it also changes our life! Don’t believe me? Just try it!
Becoming Intentional
It is so easy to procrastinate and let good ideas, along with life in general, slip through the cracks. It is time to become intentional. Here are some tips.
Life Can Be So Discouraging
Have you ever had one of those weeks? Unmotivated. Discouraged. Responsibilities weigh heavy. Everything seems […]
Why Parents Should Stop Saying “Sorry”
When was the last time that you said “I’m sorry” to your child? Did you […]
Top 5 Posts for March
This has been an exciting month here on my blog! Thank you to everyone who […]
Why I Told My Children to Stop Saying “Sorry”
You are too loud. Sorry. You spilled your grape juice on the carpet in the […]
Quote of the Week – Courage
“Courage is not the absence of fear; but, rather the judgement that something else is […]