Do your plans ever work out exactly like you intended or thought they should have? Sometimes God has a different plan for you. And, sometimes your plans have to fail in order for God’s plans to succeed.
Wild Goose Chase
You want an adventure of a life time. You dream about it. You save your pennies and dimes. But, is it truly the greatest adventure? The Wild Goose Chase.
11 Keys For Being The Leader Instead Of Looking Like The Enemy
You know you have to lead the charge into a new direction, a new territory. But, how do you get there without losing those that follow you?
9 Ways You Might Be A Leader
Do you know that you are a leader? I mean, sometimes you know that you […]
Avoiding Unintentional Intentions
It is so easy to intentionally make a choice that has unintentional affects. Sometimes those affects can lead to danger. Two things to help avoid unintentional intentions…
We all have bad dreams. But, what do we do about them? Here are three Bad-Dream-Away-Inators to help with those middle-of-the-night challenges.
Three Potentially Powerful Phrases
Phrases that change the way you live. Phrases that change the way you look at life and the world around you. Potentially Powerful Phrases.
Top Posts For April
Here are the top five posts for April 2011. How Did You Celebrate? Jesus, Like […]
Stop Squashing Your Child’s Initiative
A few days ago I encountered one of those times with my kids where I […]
How Did You Celebrate?
Following are a couple of videos that I found inspiring in celebrating the resurrection of […]