It was kind of fun to watch the numbers climb and to take pictures…as long as we stayed in the car!
My family just returned from a road trip to the homeland – Texas. I love going back home. I enjoy seeing friends and family, checking out everything that has changed – and everything that has not changed. And, I always look forward to taking in some of the local dining establishments that I loved while growing up and that you just can’t get anywhere else.
However, this trip brought something that I do not enjoy so much … intensive, never-ending, no-hiding-from, make-you-want-to-crawl-inside-of-an-air-conditioner heat!
I do remember hot summers growing up. However, I don’t remember heat like we experienced this trip. When the outside temperature is that hot, there is just not much you can, or want to, do.
The big problem:
Sapped energy. Besides all of the medical issues that this kind of heat can bring (like sunburns, heat stroke, dehydration, etc.), this amount of heat causes one major problem. It steals your energy just by being in it. You can start with lots of energy, walk outside, and within 60 seconds flat, be so tired that you feel like you just ran a marathon.
My example: The place we visited has an incredible playground – it is like a small wooden city and fort combined. My kids love it and beg to go there. So, I decided to get out early one morning (well, early for us – about 10:00am) and let the kids go have some fun. We did well by starting out early. However, within thirty minutes, the heat was nearing 100 degrees. Soon thereafter, my kids started begging to go back home – to get inside – because they were tired and didn’t want to play anymore…at one of the coolest playgrounds ever!
Seven thoughts for dealing with the heat:
- Start early. If you want to do something outside, try to get it done before the heat of the day – maybe even before the sun comes up.
- Find shade.
- Drink a lot of water.
- Play in the water.
- Use sunscreen.
- Bahama Buck’s – the world’s best shaved ice.
- Stay inside.
Question: What is your favorite summer-time trip? And, how do you survive the heat?
Nothing beats a trip to the beach in my opinion!
Sand, water, waves, cool ocean breeze…sounds good to me!
Of course, a trip to the mountains is always a winner for me.
I’m a mountain girl…no beaches for me. I love the Boone/Banner Elk, North Carolina area. Or the Southern Virginia area. Much cooler and beautiful scenery.
I love mountain scenery too. I live in the shadow of Pikes Peak in Colorado – incredibly beautiful.. I never get tired of the view that I have from my house!
Well in FL, it is always hot (except in the winter…). I have to mow several lawns as a side job so I just drink a lot of water and remain positive. Sometimes I don’t even want to go outside in the afternoons, but I have to make myself.
Thwe beach is always another great option. It is only 10min down the road!
Sometimes you just can’t avoid being outside in the heat – you learn to adapt.
So, what’s your favorite thing to do at the beach?
So what part of Texas? I’m from Victoria but live in Wisconsin now. Since I shiver in the cold so much, heat energizes me when it happens here.
As for best vacation ever–a week in the Bahamas on a houseboat. Outside of “Small boat, Mom. Small boat…” our son put away the electronics and enjoyed his time with the “old” folks.
I have not yet had an opportunity for a place like the Bahamas…although, I hear great things from friends that have gone. And, a week without the normal distractions (like electronics and email) is often just the thing to make any vacation great.
As for Texas…we were in Lubbock (this is where I spent most of my time growing up). I also have family in the Dallas area and Waco area.
While in West Texas, we visited the Odessa Meteor Crater.
What a colossal not-hole in the ground.
We were underwhelmed. But I bough a coffee cup. And I stayed in the shade or inside for the rest of the trip…
I was born in Odessa, but, moved while I was still young. So, I don’t remember a whole lot of the place. I do remember that the people were great and that High School football was everything 🙂