Top 5 Posts for March

This has been an exciting month here on my blog!  Thank you to everyone who has stopped by to read a post.  And thank you to everyone who has subscribed or taken a moment to leave a comment!



We have explored several interesting topics this month.  Following is a list of the Top 5 most-read posts from this month.

  1. In the Silence
  2. Anger Destroyed the Moment
  3. Does God Really Have a Plan for Me?
  4. Why I Told My Children to Stop Saying “Sorry”
  5. Eight Tips for Effectively Communicating With Your Child

God continues to teach me a lot.  I hope that you are encouraged and helped from what I am learning.  It is a privilege to share with you.  And, I am looking forward to another great month!

May God bless you in an unexpected way today!

Question:  What was the most popular topic in your conversations, blogs or learning this past month?  You can leave a comment by clicking here.

4 thoughts on “Top 5 Posts for March

  1. Those were all really great posts! Keep up the great work! (oh…and I got the logo up on the site temporarily at the right hand side!)

    1. I currently use a theme called Colorbold created by Site5. It’s not a standard theme available through I downloaded it from Site5 and then added it to my self-hosted site. Now, I am actually working on upgrading to Standard Theme (like so many of our friends).

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