Your Best Introduction For…

How would you introduce Christ?  Would you understate the case?  Would you be timid or bold?  What if you didn’t know the person you were speaking to?  What if you were in front of a crowd?  Check out Steve Harvey’s way…

I would love to say that this is how I would describe Jesus.  Although, I know that I often change my tactics based on who I am talking to, what the situation is, and what my frame of mind is.  But think, just for a moment, what would happen if we always took a stance that represented the awesomeness of Jesus?

How would you introduce Jesus?  Would you go big, small, or not at all?  You can leave a comment by clicking here.

4 thoughts on “Your Best Introduction For…

  1. I just try to share Jesus in ways that others can relate to… just meet someone’s needs. Just like Jesus modeled!

    Relational evangelism is also very important!

  2. I believe telling others about Jesus should be more relational than intellectual. It is almost impossible to convince someone of a need for Jesus purely by intellectual means. My experience shows that there must be a ‘heart’ component.

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