A few days ago I encountered one of those times with my kids where I […]
A Kiss Makes Everything Better
What really amazes me is what it takes to make a child feel better. A simple kiss turns the frown and tears into a smile and a readiness to go again.
Why Parents Should Stop Saying “Sorry”
When was the last time that you said “I’m sorry” to your child? Did you […]
Why I Told My Children to Stop Saying “Sorry”
You are too loud. Sorry. You spilled your grape juice on the carpet in the […]
12 Ways To Get Your Child’s Attention
Children are distracted by so many things. It can be difficult to get their attention. Here are twelve methods for getting a child to focus on you.
8 Tips for Effectively Communicating With Your Child
Do your kids get what you are saying? How do you get your message acrross to your child? Here are 8 tips for effectively communicating with children.
Changing Your Child’s World
Have you ever experienced that beautiful moment? Sitting with your child and, for the first […]
Someone Needs A Time-out: Is It You?
So there I am talking with my child, trying to help him understand the gravity […]